I realize that I haven't posted in awhile, and I guess that is just the way it goes these days. I really felt compelled to write a post about all that I am thankful for this year, as I know that I need more space than a Facebook status update to reflect on this matter.
God and His Love
I am so thankful to have a relationship with God. I am so grateful that he has given me all of the blessings that he has given me. I prayed day and night for a baby to grace our family. Mostly I fill my heart with gratitude for his presence in my life.
My Family
When I say my family, I mean both my new family and the Heiman side of my family. I am grateful to have been raised by loving parents. I am grateful for my two brothers who have grown up to do amazing things, and who still tease their older sister. I am grateful for my husband and baby girl, Caitlyn as they bring light to my every day. I am grateful to my mother and father-in-law as they are so caring and so loving. I am so grateful to have a sister-in-law who listens when I'm on the verge of a mommy breakdown because I'd been dealing with issue after issue in the beginning. I am so grateful for my other sister-in-law and brothers-in-law as they are all so fun to be around. I am grateful for my cousins, aunts, uncles, my nephews and niece. I love them all.
My Friends
While so many of them have started to become distant memories as we grow older, there are those that are true and will stay. My friend Michelle has been there for me for such a long time, and I love her. I'm so grateful to have her in my life. I am also so grateful for my friend Amy, who has been there for me since middle school. We can always pick up wherever we left off, and for that I love her. I am grateful for all of the other friends that have graced my life at one time or another as well.
My Work
I am so blessed to work in a job where I can laugh every day with young minds. I am grateful for the news crew that is my broadcast journalism class and to be able to see their talents emerge. I am grateful for my giddy 8th graders and their crazy antics.
There definitely are times when I have a hard time being grateful for Duke, especially when he is whining. But, I am grateful to have him as he has been quite the running partner, and he is a sweetie with Caitlyn girly.
Food, Water, and all of the Neccessities
I am grateful that I don't have to walk miles to get my water, and that I don't have to worry about where my next meal is coming from.
I am grateful for this life and all of the experiences that I gain while I'm here. So, so grateful.